It’s time to finish the exact book you’ve always wanted to write, on exactly your own terms


Work with me 1:1 to unlock the Mindset to Finish Your Book and along the way, shift your relationship with your creativity and your self-concept.

Dear Creative,

You have a calling to tell a story.

You have exquisite powers of observation, and you see the world as it is and as it could be.

The story you want to tell is more complex than the one that fits on twitter — it’s rich and textured. It contains multitudes and generations.

Whether that’s a novel, or a literary memoir, or a rom com, or a book that adds something amazing to the coaching landscape. 

You’re smart-enough and hard-working enough and talented-enough to write your book, but you also have a lot of proverbial balls in the air. By the time you get to your writing, you’re exhausted and depleted.

That’s why right now, getting your book out of you looks and feels something like this:

  • You got into storytelling because it felt FUN. But perfectionism, impostor syndrome, and the culture of criticism that you’re surrounded by tells you that everyone’s looking out for the MISTAKES and what’s WRONG with your words. You know this because they’re always talking about everything that’s wrong with the books that are winning the awards. Your brain says, “If people are criticising the books that have won awards/are best sellers, then they’re gonna think mine is juvenile/corny/superficial.” 

  • You have a fantasy about how to set up your life to get all the amazing creative ideas out of your head and into the world. But you also have a day job and/or a family and/or your own human body to care for. Plus, the world is on fire and your text messages keep telling you it’s your responsibility to save democracy.

  • You wonder if you should get your first (or second) MFA so you have the structure and support and deadlines to finish your book. Surely that will solve the anxiety that shows up whenever you sit down with the limited time you have to write…

  • You feel like you don’t deserve pleasure or joy until you finish your novel. So when you’re on vacation, you’re never fully ‘off’.  Your brain says, “I could be using this time to write.” 

  • Writing feels lonely, so you join a writing group for companionship. But everyone is so focused on the commas and what’s wrong with your piece that you feel worse when you leave than when you arrive.

All of this lands you in this particular dilemma…

You’re trapped in the drama of the gifted adult

You know you’re creative and talented. 

That’s why you’re mad at yourself for all your wasted potential.

That’s why you think to yourself, “If you really wanted this, why’s it so hard to do?!”

Because you secretly believe that you are a failure and you have deep, deep shame around that, and you think that shame should motivate you.


But if bullying and shaming yourself for not finishing your book WORKED, you would’ve finished your book by now

Here’s why that feels like an impossible mindset problem to break:

Up until now, you’ve internalised the idea that art = suffering.

That’s the message that’s been reinforced since you were old enough to know you wanted to write.

But here’s the truth…

When you learn how to motivate yourself to get your book done WITHOUT self-shaming, that’s when it gets really fun.

That’s when you get back to why you originally wanted to be a storyteller in the first place.

Here’s what it actually takes to finish your book

Step 1- Rewire your thought patterns from criticism to celebration 

Step 2- Rewrite your thoughts around feedback and visibility

Step 3- Mine the Multiverse to move from scarcity to abundance in time, money, and creativity

When you learn these mindset skills, you empower yourself to enjoy your writing life instead of ENDURE it.

And that’s when you’ll actually be able to finish the book you’ve always wanted to write.

Wondering how I know this to be true?

Hi, I’m Zahie (Za-hee-yah) (she/her/hers)

I spent years where you are.

I left a successful career as a lawyer to get an MFA in fiction writing.

And then spent years afterwards trying to force myself to finish a novel.

I hired DOZENS of editors, therapists, and teachers to help me but was never satisfied with what I wrote while working with them.

Because I kept giving up my sovereignty, and my vision to please them.

They would give me a piece of advice or commentary about a part of my book…and because I didn’t understand WHY that piece was important to me, it was easy to make the changes they suggested even if it didn’t feel right.

It made the whole writing process feel heavy and exhausting. It made me not want to write at all.

So in my rush to finish any book, I was losing the book I wanted to write.

It wasn’t until I worked with a 1:1 coach and I learned the skill of using my brain FOR me instead of against me that I was able to claim my creative vision.

That’s when I started to trust my creative vision.

That’s when I started to look forward to sitting down to write.

That’s when I associated my writing environment with something that gives me pleasure and joy.

That’s when I started to pick the most fun scene to write instead of the most difficult.

That’s when I decided to count all the meta writing about the book as progress instead of only the words in actual scenes and exposition.

That’s when I dared to let myself imagine that I could finish exactly the book that I was always meant to write, on my own terms.

I know you can do this too.

And I’ve created this 1:1 coaching series to show you.


The mindset to Finish your Book

The MFB is the place where you learn what you didn’t learn in your MFA. 

It’s where you learn the mindset to finish or find or follow your book. 

This is NOT a workshop where everyone critiques and criticizes your work.

There’s no A+ for you to earn.

Because it’s not that you don’t care about quality; it’s just that you don’t need any more help holding yourself to the highest standards. 

Instead, this is the place where you celebrate and cultivate your creative vision.

This is the place where you devote your time and attention to the art you want to create and the beautiful life you want to build. 

During our 9 months together you’ll

  • Renew your excitement and enthusiasm for your creative project.

  • Engineer the alignment of your time, talents, and energy to make time and space for your creative flow. 

  • Develop a process for receiving and integrating feedback from your beta readers, your agent, your editor, your publisher, your fans, and reviewers so you can improve your art without feeling like your value as a human depends on it.

  • Develop a permanent practice of celebrating what’s going well in your life every freaking week so you enjoy your life instead of enduring it.

  • Use your novelist brain as a superpower instead of as a weapon against yourself. 

  • Devote yourself to the things that are most important to you so that you can enjoy both your writing time AND your non-writing time

“Working with Zahie has transformed my creative life for the better. She’s helped me put my art at the center of my life, both practically and spiritually.”

- Shannon P.

claim your creative vision and enjoy your creative life instead of enduring it

By the end of our six months together you’ll actually trust your writer brain and be the creative leader in your own life.

Unlock the Mindset to Finish Your Book

9 months of personalized, private coaching



4 payments of $2,700

“Zahie was my most fervent cheerleader when I need one, and the most gracious, tenacious critic (because we all must have one to help us grow). Zahie made me confront my most uncomfortable feelings and come to peace with them.”

- Rosa P.

 Here’s how it breaks down

For nine months, we’ll meet 30 times, 3-4 times a month.

You’ll create a practice of celebrating what went well, evaluating and troubleshooting what didn’t go well, and setting intentions for the week ahead.

“Zahie helped me see where I was still holding myself back from being fully honest about my true vision. By asking the right questions and mirroring things back to me, she brought me to the essence of why I’m writing the book. It was empowering and motivating, and made me be more direct and raw in my writing.”

- Sara L.

In our coaching series, you’ll create results in your book without having to show me what you’ve written

Because sometimes showing someone what’s on the page gets in the way of creating what you WANT to be on the page.

It means you’re able to stay in full command of your vision and you’re the only one assessing whether your draft is becoming what you want it to be.

You can’t change your vision to please me because I’m not checking your work.

I’m here to help you clarify and articulate your own vision and you don’t need me to read your words to make that happen.

“I have been waiting a long time, I think, for someone to give me permission to really pursue my career as a writer, and by listening, empathizing, and guiding me with questions and other tools, Zahie helped me give that permission to myself. Our work together felt, and continues to feel, life-changing.”

– Melanie B.

Unlock the Mindset to Finish Your Book

9 months of private coaching



4 payments of $2,700

 You’re smart, talented, and committed enough to finish your book on your own, but…

You can do it faster and more joyfully when you get the right kind of support

So if you’re wondering if you should just get an editor…

If you’re thinking you can just take another class or hire another editor to tell you what to do, actually this is so much better than doing that.

You already know what to do.

You just need to be able to manage your mind to do it.

You don’t get extra points for doing things the hard way.

Your real goal is to finish your book, not to suffer on your own while working endlessly.

And the truth is, if bullying and shaming yourself for not finishing your book WORKED, you would’ve finished your book by now.

So let’s normalize getting the right support from a person who understands the writing process AND has the tools and training to help you access your unconscious mind and empower your vast intelligence while working through your epigenetic trauma and somatic experience of visibility/shame/analysis paralysis.

When you work with me in The Mindset to Finish Your Book, you have a dedicated space to unlock all of this in a way that’s totally bespoke to you.

“My life coaching with Zahie has yielded immediate benefits in my day-to-day life as she taught me how to reframe my negative thought patterns to more accurately assess the situations I was encountering.”

- Stacey S.

You won’t recognize your life once you learn how to use your novelist brain as a superpower instead of a weapon against yourself.


Right now you’re using your literary genius to think of the worst case scenarios and all the possible tragic endings and gathering evidence to support your argument that you will never have the success you want. 

Without coaching, you are accidentally training yourself to think that you have a fatal flaw and that your fatal flaw will result in tragedy. 

You think this is leading to writing a serious, literary novel, but actually, when these patterns of thinking are left on repeat, they create deep patterns that leave you in scarcity and self-doubt. 

This is why when you do get time to write, you are spending hours staring at the screen or writing in a circle with no plan and, even worse, no playfulness.

When you work with me, I’ll show you how to rewire your brain towards creative, financial, and temporal abundance. 


“Zahie is amazing! Both inspirational and practical -- I love that I come away from each coaching session with a concrete list of action items, to help me make the switch into being a full-time creative. And to bring my dreams -- the ones that have been whispering at me for so long -- into loud, clear reality. I've gotten more done with Zahie in one month than in the last six!”

- Sean P.


I’ll show you how to use your novelist brain to imagine everything that is possible, write yourself a happy ending, and actually bring your creative vision to life.

“Our sessions create a dedicated space and time in which Zahie helped me cultivate the habits to help my art succeed...Working with a one-on-one coach keeps me honest because I am investing in our commitment to each other. I have allowed myself to ask for and invest in this support that helps me thrive. It’s very clear that if I don’t do it, I’m the only one I’m hurting. And it is easier to do my work because I know that Zahie is the champion for my goals, my happiness, and my project.”

- Christi G.

When you do this work, you won’t just write your book and unlock your creative potential…

You’ll shift your relationships with money, yourself, and everyone you love (and also anyone who feels like a pain in the ass)

You want to prioritize your creative work and value your creative work more.

But in the process of doing that, you’ll learn how to feel more abundant in time, resources, love and joy.

Because you’re also learning how to show up more powerfully as only you can.

You will become super-intentional about taking full responsibility for cleaning up your own side of the proverbial table in all of your relationships and deciding how you want to lead by example and by action.

You will become happier and more satisfied and inspire those around you to become happier and more satisfied as well.

Because your book and your money and your health and your partnerships are not separate entities, they are part of an ecosystem that you can affect with your intentions.

That’s why our six months of coaching together will empower you to take a quantum leap forward in your specific project AND ALSO rewire your brain towards creative abundance FOREVER.

Unlock the Mindset to Finish Your Book

9 months of private coaching



4 payments of $2,700

In case you’re wondering…


I’m a coach…I don’t want to write a novel but I want to get my genius on paper. Is this for me?

I can absolutely help you do that. I have experience writing and editing non-fiction and teaching people how to write non-fiction, self-publish, and write a non-fiction book proposal for a traditional publishing deal.

It’s the same transformative mindset work no matter whether you’re a  novelist, thought leader,   screenwriter, or playwright.

I’ve finished my book and I’m about to send it out to agents…can you help me with that?

Yes, I help people claim leadership in their relationships with agents, critique partners, and editors. These are the kinds of questions I have helped clients work through:

Which agent should I choose to represent me?

Should I take this offer with a bigger advance  or the one with the editor who gets me?

What if it doesn’t sell? What do I want out of this experience?

I a juggling my creative dreams with parenting and a day job. Can we talk about all that stuff as well.

Yes, please and thank you. Your book and your life are not independent, they are part of the ecosystem of your life. You can always bring all parts of your self and your life to our calls and will get much more out of our relationship if you do.

I have a therapist…may I still work with you?

Yes, if your therapist is on board. Most of my clients also have therapists and find our work to be complementary. If, however, you have a diagnosed mental health condition and have chosen not to continue with therapy and meds, I am not the right coach for you.

I feel embarrassed about hiring a coaching because I help other people write and edit their books.

I get it. I also do this for other people and still have my own lush ecosystem of support. Let’s normalize getting support for all the things we need to thrive.

I don’t want people to know that I’ve had help with my book.

Our work is confidential unless you say otherwise, so you don’t need to tell other people you had support unless you choose to.

Do I have to have already done an MFA to do this?

Not at all — everything is customized for you.

But if you *are* already doing an MFA, this might be helpful. If  I had to do it all over again — if I was able to hire myself when I started my MFA, it would have  accelerated my progress by decades.

I’ve already written a successful book and I know I *could* do it on my own if I worked hard enough. Is this for me?

Yes, this is especially for people like you. Just because you could do something on your own does not mean that is the more efficient use of your time and energy. But you are in charge. If you feel happy finishing your next book on your own, I can’t wait to read it!

Unlock the Mindset to Finish Your Book

9 months of private coaching


I already know you can help me, but I’m not writing a book — can I still work with you?


I always keep a spot on my roster for someone who is not writing a book but wants my signature blend of creative and analytical coaching.

Zahie is a wizard-there's really no better word. I threw at her the soup of my worries, my creative goals, and my supposed constraints and watched as she helped me turn worry into fuel and constraints into opportunities.”

- Jaime N.