“Working with Zahie has transformed my creative life for the better. She’s helped me put my art at the center of my life, both practically and spiritually. Together in our work, we’ve developed concrete strategies to create more time and energy to focus on my writing—I also have a day job and a toddler, so that’s not easy! She’s also helped me gain trust in myself and clarity in my focus. Sometimes our work is talking about what gets in the way of success, while other times, it’s about diving deep into my stories to figure out the characters and their intentions. Not only have our sessions been nourishing for my soul, but they’ve also led to results. In the last few months of working together, I’ve had three stories accepted for publication, in large part because of her support. Writing can be such an isolating and daunting process. I've loved working with editors in the past, but Zahie's coaching is different. She offers something that deals more directly with the vulnerability of pursuing art. I’m incredibly thankful for the confidence she’s helped me find, and I look forward to her guidance in the future as I continue to reach toward my (now much more clarified!) goals.”

- Shannon P.


“Our sessions create a dedicated space and time in which Zahie helped me cultivate the habits to help my art succeed. I’ve done writing groups and writing exchanges. I’ve also taken and taught writing classes and workshops, and this coaching experience is very different from those approaches.

Working with a one-on-one coach keeps me honest because I am investing in our commitment to each other. I have allowed myself to ask for and invest in this support that helps me thrive. It’s very clear that if I don’t do it, I’m the only one I’m hurting. And it is easier to do my work because I know that Zahie is the champion for my goals, my happiness, and my project.

This coaching experience amplifies my success in several ways: in understanding my project, in understanding the barriers I’ve faced, in articulating solutions to those barriers, and, ultimately, in achieving success towards my goals.”

- Christie G.


“I originally decided to hire Zahie so she could ‘mainstream’ my thoughts and ideas and eventually write a cookbook. Pretty quickly, we both figured out that I was in need of much deeper work. The book was just the tip of the iceberg. Zahie helped me discover all those parts of myself that sabotaged my own dreams.

Zahie was my most fervent cheerleader when I need one, and the most gracious, tenacious critic (because we all must have one to help us grow.). Zahie made me confront my most uncomfortable feelings and come to peace with them.”

- Rosa P.


“My life coaching with Zahie has yielded immediate benefits in my day-to-day life as she taught me how to reframe my negative thought patterns to more accurately assess the situations I was encountering. Her intelligence and insight, combined with her kindness and compassion, made each session immensely valuable to me on both an emotional and a pragmatic level. After just a few sessions, I feel I already know myself better and feel better equipped to meet my challenges.”

- Stacey S.


“I recently attended a writing seminar with another coach and came away from it feeling confused and unsure about the structure and direction of my book. Zahie spoke just the words I needed to hear to get me back on track and to believe again in the direction I had from the beginning—that of knowing that this book needed to be written. She has been invaluable in my writing process and I am so grateful to have her as my coach.”

- Kathy J.


“I just want to say Thank You!!! Actually, if I could shout it, I would. I can’t believe how “seen” I feel, how much you really listened, and how much clear guidance you have already given without telling me what to do! I value you and your work immensely.”

- Melissa C.


“Zahie helped me see where I was still holding myself back from being fully honest about my true vision. By asking the right questions and mirroring things back to me, she brought me to the essence of why I’m writing the book. It was empowering and motivating, and made me be more direct and raw in my writing.
Because of her advice on balancing structure and flow while writing, I now trust my own organic way of writing and am confident that the exact structure of the book will show itself at the right time.
The coaching came at the exact right time and helped me raise my writing to a higher level of authenticity and dynamism.

- Sara L.



Omg Zahie, I just have to gush that I have spent two days working on the book-WRITING and thinking and doing meaningful craft research-and I am so happy and can’t believe this is my life and just want to do it all the time and can’t believe I have to stop to make lunch to take a shower or take my kid to the doctor. THANK YOU!!

- J.M.


“When I started working with Zahie, I was struggling with some big issues related to my identities as a writer and as a mother to young children. I was entering a significant transition, shifting some of my time and energy from full-time stay-at-home parenting to a more even balance that would center my writing, a career I have kept my toes in but have been afraid to pursue fully alongside mothering. From our first consultation, I knew Zahie got it. She has similar experience as a writer and mother, and she was able to both validate my feelings and offer manageable suggestions for creating and upholding boundaries, working through some deeply entrenched messages about personal value and worth, and help me clarify some of the mental blocks that have been holding me back both in how I approach my writing and what I write about. After just three sessions with Zahie, I feel more centered and confident about continuing to pursue this balance. I have been waiting a long time, I think, for someone to give me permission to really pursue my career as a writer, and by listening, empathizing, and guiding me with questions and other tools, Zahie helped me give that permission to myself. Our work together felt, and continues to feel, life-changing. On a personal level, I have gained a sense of peace where I've had years of lingering doubts and distress. But Zahie's coaching also entered my writing itself. I write personal essays, often about the very issues with which I came to Zahie, and our conversations—deep, in-depth, very nuanced conversations that are hard to come by in the isolation of stay-at-home parenting and work-at-home writing—I found a sounding board and an engaged witness, which helped me shape a particularly difficult essay. I credit these conversations and Zahie's smart insights and questions for me shaping and finishing that essay. I not only whole-heartedly recommend her coaching to others, but I will also definitely come back for more sessions myself.”

- Melanie B.


“I reached out to Zahie during at a time when I could tell there was huge shift about to take place. I was feeling incredibly out-of-synch and facing a lot of big questions about my work and my family life. When I shared these questions, concerns, hopes, and dreams with Zahie, she helped me to frame the experience and come to some pretty big conclusions. After just two sessions, I feel much more clear, intentional, and optimistic about what is to come.”

- Stephanie N.

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"My experience with Zahie was remarkable.  She helped me journey into the deep recesses of my soul to uncover what I really want out of life.  Her holistic approach is both realistic and exhilarating; it helped me uncover the work that excites me to the core while showing me the tools to make that work a part of my everyday living."

- L.J.


“Zahie is a wizard—there's really no better word. I threw at her the soup of my worries, my creative goals, and my supposed constraints and watched as she helped me turn worry into fuel and constraints into opportunities. She even helped me find more time to write--literally, time that I previously hadn't considered, Zahie helped me to unearth. What could be worth more than discovered time? And she does it all with the kind-but-firm zen of your favorite therapist mixed with your favorite doctor mixed with your favorite wise sibling/aunt/friend, etc. Anyone who calls themself a creative (or is to afraid to) would be lucky to work with her.”

- Jaime N.


“Zahie helped me structure my writing goals concretely for the first time in my life. She identified what I needed and how I preferred to take in information — and was on point. She pushed me to give my writing the same attention and goal setting I frequently applied to my day job. AND on top of that, Zahie helped me meet challenging situations at work head on. I could not be more grateful!”

- Thao V.


College Admissions Coaching

“Zahie was instrumental in helping my daughter identify what SHE wanted in a university experience. This is an important point, as I believe that young adults can be swayed by an overwhelming amount of chatter about universities without having had any first-hand experience. Zahie was very good at cutting through my daughter's biases and filling in the gaps in her knowledge. Interestingly, my daughter ended up applying to her original selections PLUS a number of new options (some of which Zahie recommended). The one thing Zahie taught her is that university is supposed to be a place for her to learn and grow and the spirit of the university should reflect her own ethos. They should not merely be viewed on their reputation. This was proven out by the fact that the places that fit her spirit, she got into and got great financial aid packages and the ones she thought she needed to apply to, she was waitlisted! I am entirely convinced that now she will be HAPPY at university, and that if we had not met with Zahie, there is a good chance it would have been a tough four year grind.”

- H.H.